Tuesday, December 9, 2008



December 9 2008

Gakuo's, Otido's contracts will not be extended.
Minister cites need for change for the move.

The contract of Nairobi Town Clerk John Gakuo will not be extended due to the need for transition at City Hall. Deputy Prime Minister and Local Government minister Musalia Mudavadi has said he declined to approve a request to extend the contracts of Mr Gakuo and his deputy Mr Nelson Otido to allow for change and succession purposes.

“Upon evaluation, we found that they have done a good job but it is time to allow for change at the top,” Mr Mudavadi said.

He said he had no personal difference with any of the officers but clarified that his decision was guided by the need to develop others within the institution to take over.

“Structures of succession exist and that is why people are put on contract. This should be taken seriously to avoid a situation where some people seek contract renewal several times,” he said.

Mr Gakuo, who has been credited with the transformation of the city, was in the Ministry of Health before joining City Hall and was set to retire from the Civil Service four years ago.

His contract has been extended three times and the latest request sought to extend it by another two years.

Mr Otido was initially set to retire in December last year after reaching the retirement age but his contract was extended for another year.

Mr Mudavadi, who was speaking in his office after receiving a delegation of Kwazulu-Natal Prime Minister, posed: “Who are we building from within to take over these institutions? What message are we sending when both CEO and his deputy are seeking an extension of their contracts?”

He said they had notified the two officers to prepare for their exit. He said numerous extension of contracts do not bode well for the institution.

Submitted by dadriance
Posted December 09, 2008

As a Nairobi resident, this scares me - Gakuo is the number one reason that there have been so many positive changes in Nairobi. Succession planning is important, but shouldn't the planning take place before Gakuo is released? This smells political to me...

Submitted by mtimle
Posted December 09, 2008

Hope this will not wide up being another misadventure in the management of the NCC. Kenyans still remember Goldenberg. The Hon. min was the Gate Keeper then and did not do a staring job then.

Submitted by pkasoa
Posted December 09, 2008

Change is vital and succession planning is in order, but the question remains will it be for the continual of good performance? Just pondering!