By PETER LEFTIE and DAVID OPIYO Wednesday, January 13 2010
A ceremony to plant trees in Mau Forest will go on as planned, despite a tiff between Prime Minister Raila Odinga and State House. But it is an almost foregone conclusion that President Kibaki will skip the occasion, likely to be seen as a blow to the effort to conserve the Mau.
On Wednesday morning, Mr Odinga confirmed that the function would go ahead and that “the government will be there”. He was, however, not categorical whether President Kibaki was expected. Prodded by reporters, Mr Odinga said: “Remember the President announced that he will lead the nation in a tree planting exercise in the Mau.”
Soon afterwards, the Presidential Press Service issued a bulletin on the President’s Friday diary. “President Mwai Kibaki will this Friday 15th January, 2010 witness the swearing in of Judges of the Interim Independent Constitutional Dispute Resolution Court (IICDRC),” it said.
The statement did not state the time of the swearing in, but did create the impression that the President will be engaged in other duties and the tree-planting function was not in his plans. The President’s diary is ordinarily given to the media a day in advance.
During the PM’s press conference at the Treasury Building in Nairobi, it was clear that Mr Odinga believed — even though he did not expressly state it — that the President would lead the exercise, intended to be a show of commitment to recover the forest from illegal settlers.
The announcement he was referring to was the President’s New Year speech. PPS later issued another statement which seemed to contradict the PM. “It is misleading for sections of the media to report that the President gave a date on tree planting in Mau forest,” it said.
Attached to it was the President’s verbatim New Year speech, which read in part: “We will also begin an ambitious plan of planting trees and get our forest cover to ten per cent.” The statements had the effect of suggesting that the President was not attending the function, without directly saying so.
Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka will not be there, either. He was scheduled to leave the country on Wednesday night for Mozambique where he will be representing President Kibaki at the swearing-in of the country’s newly elected president, Mr Armando Guebuza, on Friday.
And in a paid-up advert appearing elsewhere in this paper, Mr Odinga has invited Kenyans, the diplomatic community and development partners to join the tree-planting exercise. On Tuesday, Mr Odinga had sent out letters to all ministers and assistant ministers inviting them to the function during which the government would launch the “Save the Mau Trust Fund.”
Moved from January 8
“The Government has organised a tree-planting exercise which is scheduled for Friday 15th January, 2010 at Kiptunga, Molo at 11am. His Excellency the President, myself, the entire Cabinet and Members of Parliament will participate in the exercise,” read the letter, a copy of which the Nation has seen.
The letter followed an earlier one by Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura to all Cabinet ministers telling them that the function had been moved from January 8, to Wednesday. Mr Muthaura’s letter dated January 7, said: “You were invited by the Rt Hon Prime Minister to the above tree-planting exercise on 8th January, 2010, at Kiptunga forest station in Molo.
“However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the event has been re-scheduled to Wednesday, 13th January 2010 at the same venue.” Even though inviting the ministers to attend, Mr Muthaura’s letter made no reference to the President’s attendance.
It is likely that a section of Cabinet ministers allied to the PNU coalition may be planning to stay away from the event. Mr Odinga has in the recent past clashed with Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta over compensation for Mau settlers. The PM accused Mr Kenyatta, who denied there were any plans to pay billions to settlers, of “political chicanery”.
On Wednesday, an aide to Mr Kenyatta hinted that the Deputy PM may skip the event because “it has nothing to do with the Treasury”. “This is a function involving the ministries of the Environment, Forestry, Lands, Special Programmes and the PM’s office which has been coordinating Mau issues,” the aide, who said he was not authorised to speak on behalf of Mr Kenyatta, said.
PNU ministers, briefing the media on condition of anonymity, said they had taken issue with the manner in which the function was organised, claiming State House was not involved at any stage. On Wednesday, National Heritage minister William ole Ntimama supported Mr Odinga’s efforts to conserve the Mau. “I will go even if there is no invitation... Those who want to remain can remain, we don’t need them,” he said.
Rift Valley MPs, led by Agriculture minister William Ruto, have opposed evictions from the Mau, demanding compensation for those evicted and describing Mr Odinga as inhumane. On Wednesday, MPs Zakayo Cheruiyot and Joshua Kutuny contradicted Mr Odinga’s assertion that all MPs had been formally invited to the function. “I do not know of any invitation,” said Mr Cheruiyot, whose Kuresoi constituency covers part of the Mau forest.
Water tower
And Mr Kutuny said: “No MP from Rift Valley has been invited... We could have attended if we were sure the President will be present... to tell him our feelings. Mau Forest is the largest indigenous forest in East Africa and the country’s most important water tower, covering 270,000 hectares, a huge chunk of which has been destroyed over the years.
Among the rivers that originate from the forest are Ewaso Ng’iro, Sondu, Mara and Njoro, which feed several lakes in Rift Valley and Western Kenya, among them Lakes Victoria, Nakuru and even Natron in Tanzania.
f anybody expected Kibaki to rock the old order (he/she was mistaken). There is your answer. That is why Moi can comment on anything and everything without any fear of prosecution. Does he (Moi) know something that we don't know about his fellow politicians? Kibaki has no balls and those who think that the country is moving forward becaause of his leadership are mistaken. We are still standing by the grace of God. Raila might be abrassive in his approach to issues but on this one, he is on the right track.
Submitted by flkiranga
Posted January 14, 2010 06:44 PM
Moi and Ruto's names appear in most land scandalls while many poor Kalenjins are landless.In 2002 Kibaki promised zero tolerance to corruption but todate nothing has been done.How do you expect him to lead the Nation in this exercise? Like Rawlings in Ghana let us support Raila to usher in fresh hopes for Kenya.
Submitted by MJOAN20
Posted January 14, 2010 06:39 PM
"Nairobi — President Mwai Kibaki yesterday rallied support for the restoration of the Mau forest complex by announcing he will inaugurate the tree-planting campaign at the treeless forest next Friday. Kibaki will plant seedlings at Kiptunga Primary School near Elburgon." Now it looks like Kibaki did the inaguration while Raila takes the action! What else would we expect from a coalition government if not duty sharing ?
Submitted by mzee_moja
Posted January 14, 2010 06:35 PM
Hon Raila is doing a fabulous job, exactly what I would be doing if I were in his position, tribalism aside. Am now appealing to Hon Tinga (malo malo kabisa) to ensure that after tree planting is over, we go to project no.2, we want Migingo back asap!
Submitted by xcool
Posted January 14, 2010 06:27 PM
i don't understand whats wrong with him i think he should think about others than himself for once
Submitted by mrkeya
Posted January 14, 2010 05:50 PM
Mau is an important national issue only corrupted minds will see it differently. Now, with that in mind what would be wrong to do is not to support the planting of trees regardless of your tribe or political persuasion. The climate change is demanding our attention lets go plant more trees and then come back to our pathetic arguments.
Submitted by yesuwangu
Posted January 14, 2010 04:55 PM
history is on the making and Kenyans araare still divided even on issues which are meant to benefit the common man.
Submitted by mchizani
Posted January 14, 2010 03:48 PM
Kibaki did not tell you to kill your neighbour nor does he tell you sit and wait my Govmnt is going to do it 4 u, as i can recall' the people is tha Govmnt. So Raila uses that to pick up on what he wants, so you ask your self what do you want in life and 4 Kenya as your motherland and quit blaming someone who has stired this country out tha gutter. be wise but not brain washed...!
Submitted by nickihiu
Posted January 14, 2010 03:26 PM
how comes that Raila always want to control everbody, let him invite his ODM mps as he did during the campaigns, you cant fool people all the time Raila and the team! No your days are number irrespective of those shouting the loudest, just like during the odm rallies! nani kubafu!!!!
Submitted by kamauwanjiru
Posted January 14, 2010 03:22 PM
godiebet yuo r a very ignorant person.you r the kind pple who put to parliament pple like simon Mbugua or wanjala or kuttuny.Everybody the world over is talking environment,Floods r wrecking havoc all over ,Draught etc.!0 million kenyans r starving and you r saying the president should not lead the way in tree planting.
Submitted by okello01
Posted January 14, 2010 02:52 PM
TO godiebet,you sound an ignorant if not silly individual.Someone has to lead and show the way in environmental conservation in a country where impunity and everything viewed through tribal prism.Excuse me! are we talking about environmental conservation or populist politics?
Submitted by Henry4
Posted January 14, 2010 02:16 PM
The Mau forest issue is not about one person alone or one region alone. And mind you, a majority of Kenyans barely know what the Mau issue is about since they barely travel, and neither do they know what climate change and effects. A small experiment might help you understand. Travel from Nairobi to Nakuru, note the climatic conditions between Uplands and Kinungi. Then note the climatic conditions between Toll Station and Mbaruk. Tell me afterwards that a tree means nothing to the environment.
Submitted by umoyaplan
Posted January 14, 2010 02:10 PM
We have read all the 52 comments and more than 99% support the PM and disagree with the Presidents action. Daily Nation stated on New Years Day that Kibaki is a bad polititian but a good economist, we agree. Mau water tower is a matter of life and death to us Kenyans; it is good politics to attend the tree planting exercise and bad politics to stay away. Congratulations bwana PM for your vision, God is with us so victory is in sight. L.G. MWACHARO
Submitted by godiebett
Posted January 14, 2010 01:57 PM
Believe me,Raila is careless and is always in for embarassments.He should stop his populist politics for the good of the country.Why is it that he always wants to be seen as if he's the only one who is concerned about the environment?it is selfish of him.
Submitted by godiebett
Posted January 14, 2010 01:51 PM
Believe me,Raila is careless and is always in for embarassments.He should stop his populist politics for the good of the country.Why is it that he always wants to be seen as if he's the only one who is concerned about the environment?it is selfish of him.
Submitted by mzeemoja
Posted January 14, 2010 01:42 PM
Some Kenyans want to take us back to the old days when the whole govt goes to plant trees, make gabbions and open new agricultural shows, etc. shame. Raila takes his ego too far, he doesn't hold brief for state house nor the keeper of the diary.
Submitted by peter1983
Posted January 14, 2010 01:32 PM
plz stop fallin 4 raila's tricks! he has no interest of mau conservation at all, he is jus using thz 2 gain political mileage of which only fools wil fall 4 it. letz plant trees yes, but letz nt fall 4 raila's tricks. God bless kenya
Submitted by ChezKen
Posted January 14, 2010 01:24 PM
These are bare knuckle worthless politics being played by central and rv Mps. The deputy PM has nothing to do with activities of the PM's office? Please spare us that crap. The people are not with you! You will lose.
Submitted by licom
Posted January 14, 2010 01:02 PM
Its the government that will be attending the tree planting ceremony, this is very simple and it means the people's government that cares and listen to his people. these are leaders who are in government legally, those who rigged themselves in government doesn't even know what is happening and where kenya is heading to. Kenyans are behind Raila
Submitted by oletiptip
Posted January 14, 2010 01:01 PM
Mr P.M this fellows think they are isolating you little do they know there just endearing you to Kenyans stick to your path you have the Kenyan masses behind you wacha wao wa bweke tutapanda miti.
Submitted by abphily
Posted January 14, 2010 12:29 PM
PM might not be perfect all through but His charisma will bring change we believe in. The tree planting is on and let me ask is it wrong? That forest looks pathetic!We need forest cover to tackle too much CO2 in the air. Majogoo be sober and lets build our country remove hate in your heart. God bless all good leaders.
Submitted by Watanabe55
Posted January 14, 2010 12:21 PM
You know, at least I can see Raila is regaining his Maverick status and doing what he knows to be right. Kenyans are with you all the way! It may hurt now, but this is a necessary action, we must save our environment for future generations,its not a matter of choice. Hongera PM!!
Submitted by THE BLUEZ
Posted January 14, 2010 12:06 PM
I would like to Give my Support to Hon. Raila we are with u Kabisa bila wasi wasi... Hongera ! Zeinudin - Bahrain
Submitted by dolofreddy
Posted January 14, 2010 12:02 PM
we live in a country where certain leaders behave like the proverbial ostrich, non reformers. The PM go, we're with you until 2017, forget abt ditractors, ur the pples choice and we believe in you. You've always won even in difficult situations. God bless you sir.
Submitted by mizdukeni
Posted January 14, 2010 11:53 AM
majogoo,u sound like a real jogoo from the village,please allow me to inform u,we r in 2010 not the 1980s and early 1990s,and point of correction,Raila is not a guest in the govt.go buck to ur history.
Submitted by nyarateng
Posted January 14, 2010 10:57 AM
Why do we talk as if kibaki has been thrown from heaven 12hrs ago!!!! i thought you know and understand our president and the "politics" of Kenya, Join them and "Eat with them" president we love you and more so that he is serving his last term, good news indeed, But remember he has a project he is working on that is 2012 MAU If we have ears,eyes and mouth to express ourselves then i do not need to direct/advice you on who can turn around this country 'tribe' not withstanding.
Submitted by pole_kenya09
Posted January 14, 2010 10:44 AM
Macharia Gaitho was absolutely foresighted when he said that the PM should not be left to fight the MAU conservation alone. Macharia you were right, we were wrong. The PM needs our support, at least on this.
Submitted by waHanah
Posted January 14, 2010 10:37 AM
The goofies in PNU have as usual shot themselves in the foot again.Mau should herald the big fight against land grabbers and impunity.After Mau let us implement the Ndungu land report to the letter.Go Raila Go..
Submitted by gm1971
Posted January 14, 2010 10:19 AM
Pm should go ahead and do his job to the last minute. He should stop dragging the name of the president where the statehouse has not committed itself. It was wrong for the prime minister to talk of something that he was not sure of. Why did he annouce that the president was to be with him?
Submitted by manofthepeople
Posted January 14, 2010 10:18 AM
Who is the chicken now?Kibaki and his cronies in PNU intend to take this thing much further into the constitiution debate. The PM should go ahead and lead the nation to this noble cause. All the progressive people will be in Kaptagat tomorrow.Shame on you enemies of Maendeleo and your conspiracy theories.
Submitted by samfile
Posted January 14, 2010 09:40 AM
The PM should go ahead to start the noble cause,forget about the President doing politics as the nation is stripped of its life giving forests. Mau could mean make or break in the security of this country. Will you also want to start importing water? Get serious, We are behind you PM
Submitted by majogoo
Posted January 14, 2010 09:27 AM
Raila should be waiting for state house to announce any function since he is a guest in this government. I was irritated when he told us that some ministers will be fired for dissagreeing over some issues. Who is he to issue such statements?
Submitted by kamauwanjiru
Posted January 14, 2010 08:51 AM
Match on Raila.We are behind you.I condemn kibaki who is not sincere in his leadership.Come 2012 we will definately support you irrespective of ethnic origins.This time round change is coming.
Submitted by ibralin
Posted January 14, 2010 08:48 AM
Call it whatever you like it is increasingly unbecoming of the president to behave in ways that undermines his coalition partner, this kind of behavior is what led to the coalition breakup and to be very frank personally am incensed with the cowardice in it and am quite a majority of kenyans are to...
Submitted by tkimanzi
Posted January 14, 2010 08:45 AM
This is what LEADERSHIP is all about. Doing what is right for the benefit of all, am sure millions of Kenyans support the PM now more than ever and more still come 2012.
Submitted by mkwelli
Posted January 14, 2010 08:44 AM
In the world of Kibaki, politics is a game of silence, secrecy and funy manuvours. But to the rest of the world, politics is a game of the garb. How does one expect others to follow him if they don't know what he wants and hence where he is leading them to? Go on Raila and serve Kenya after all we elected you in our majorities.
Submitted by Samur
Posted January 14, 2010 08:43 AM
powerabuse,U have a problem in urself.How can you pray our country to have leaders who disagree.How dare say this.Do u know what disagreement brought to Kenya aftser election.You are a very shortsighted person.Raila should respect other Leaders.He should not think forcing things will help him.Except to please people of your primitive nature.Iam an ODM member but don't support this.Give us a break.
Submitted by Tribeless
Posted January 14, 2010 08:33 AM
I bet Kibaki is sulking over the presidential powers thing in the draft. Why fight for powers he will not enjoy? Why support dictatorship? What kind of leader is this? Lets go plant trees, He can sleep all day for all we care. It won't stop the trees from growing.
Submitted by mprogress
Posted January 14, 2010 08:24 AM
Its just a matter of time we know those who are in solidarity with the people who grabbed public land. Others are on record saying the land was a gift from wamaasai ( Nilipeewa na wamaasai). By the way, the others should tell Kenyans how they acquired public property. Why keep us in the dark.
Submitted by raviedor
Posted January 14, 2010 08:17 AM
Why is the Prezzo being begged to go attend the tree planting ceremony @ Mau? Isn't his part of his job descriptions to display leadership? Why has he been making comments about Mau if he's least interested in reclaiming grabbed land? N 4 dis other idiots in PNU n RV Mps who think attending the function will ruin ur political career... u need 2 understand that Kenya will never grind to a halt without u.... we cant comfortably do without u pple... kudos 2 the PM!
Submitted by powerabuse
Posted January 14, 2010 08:06 AM
There are certain leaders in our country that will suck us dry no matter what it takes. What I don't understand is they never get enough. I can't remember any one moment that the VP has ever disagreed with Kibaki since he was elected VP. We all know Kibaki is not walking a straight MAU LINE. Wishy Washy hmmmm. Raila - Asante Sana. Tuko Pamoja PM.
Submitted by Majicman
Posted January 14, 2010 07:57 AM
This Mau thing was designed to fix Raila rather than fix the environment, fortunately Raila is fixing it and fixing his ditractors in the process. Shame on skewed leadership that Kenya has, when are we going to have level headed leaders who can address issues for what they are rather than pursue political agenda?
Submitted by ensoko
Posted January 14, 2010 07:26 AM
The PM should go ahead with the symbolic exercise and if it means it will cost him his political ambitions,he would have left a legacy and history will judge him fairly.As for the cowards and political schemers,shame on all of them,we know what they are upto.Go Odinga,Kenya is on your side.Just make sure Lady Wangari Maathai is present.
Submitted by zach
Posted January 14, 2010 07:23 AM
You are right Raila, the Government will be in Mau. the government we voted for. We don't expect much from the others who are not accountable to the wanachi. Do what we voted you to do. At the end of the day, you will haev the last laugh.
Submitted by kambo
Posted January 14, 2010 06:41 AM
The swearing in of new Judges will not last the whole day. Its an exercise that can take at most 30 minutes. So, why not fly to Mau after that?
Submitted by otienoz
Posted January 14, 2010 06:30 AM
Raila is PM and not Kibaki’s private secretary to plans the president’s diary. Raila to blame for embarrassing fiasco. Why does speak carelessly and speak on behalf of Kibaki? At Narok roadside declaration, he set date Mau date for Kibaki. Had he consulted Kibaki before he went public? Rails been saying he and Kibaki promised not to give their views on Constitution. Raila goes ahead and declares he wants Kenya ruled by PM! Raila ganged up with Kalenjin MPs in 2005 to scuttle Kibaki’s efforts to evict squatters and re-forest Mau. Raila’s hate politics returning to haunt him
Submitted by mzee_moja
Posted January 14, 2010 06:19 AM
This is called delegation of duties. I believe the President is busy with other government affairs. Some people are still drank with "maziwa ya nyayo", they just think of when Moi used to tranverse the whole republic with his whole cabinet, mp's and provincial administration. Raila's flag is flying very high no doubt about it!
Submitted by mwanoo1
Posted January 14, 2010 04:55 AM
I don't care the kind of politics being played, but all things considered, Raila is doing it right and he has my vote come 2012!
Submitted by Pende
Posted January 14, 2010 04:51 AM
Kenyans really miss Moi rule and Sharif Nasir. "Wapende wasipende" and also Ole Ntimama, They will "lie low like envelopes". But honestly the bottom line is that Raila is a leader.
Submitted by KORYEMA
Posted January 14, 2010 04:09 AM
If Mau is about politics ,then Raila is going to gain more political mileage than those who are trying to set him up,he knows how to become a hero.
Submitted by Agwandasymo
Posted January 14, 2010 03:33 AM
This is the time for the PM to show leadership. Mau is an important issue but holding off on one tree planting day, to consult widely, will not hurt anyone. Don't get me wrong here. If it is true that this was a prearranged joint exercise then Mr President is very wrong to chicken out. But two wrongs do not make a right. Kenya does not need more political tension. Lets all move along soberly. It's not too long since we lost brothers and sisters.
Submitted by BEN6610
Posted January 14, 2010 03:30 AM
People are missing the point here.There is a power game going on.Raila in one of his rallies said that 'even President Kibaki will be involved in tree planting on such and such a date' Kibaki was never consulted on such an agreement.This looked like it was Raila who is giving ornders.
Submitted by Mambo_Mob
Posted January 14, 2010 03:26 AM
I hope this will be the last crap of a muungano serikali we will ever see. Meanwhile, miti lazima ipandwe while the rains are here. No point taking water up the tower later to irrigate them.
Submitted by silwal
Posted January 14, 2010 02:39 AM
MichaOlga, I like the term you're using on these matters "circus". it's truely circus. When shall we Kenyans get out of all these and start moving forward. Politicians have made us be continuously stuck in tar for too long. I wonder what legacy Kibaki wants to leave once he's out of office.
Submitted by jgatihi
Posted January 14, 2010 01:33 AM
This is politics at it’s worse, when the President fails to lead in a very important occasion like this, it shows his lack of understanding of what is going on. The PM has to push on with or without the President, Kenyans have to push on and support this effort. Kenyans are watching. In this matter, the Kenyans are behind the PM and it shows what kind a person he is, he is not afraid. He keeps proving to us that he is the only person who can change Kenya single handled.
Submitted by wanjagithuru
Posted January 14, 2010 01:27 AM
Expected as usual the President is an escapist thus he has developed cold feet. He skipped the burial of the Mathira massacre. History will judge him very harshly. Do not 4get now he is a lame duck President. Raila thanks for not caving in.
Submitted by Larryliza
Posted January 14, 2010 01:20 AM
And the earth brought forth grass... and the tree that yields fruit.... and God saw that it was good. (Gen. 1:!2). And if the Lord saw that it was good, who am I or anyone else to think otherwise? God save our forests, we must save the Mau. God bless Kenya.
Submitted by olegaita66
Posted January 14, 2010 01:04 AM
Raila you can go ahead wachana na Kibaki,he is lazy.
Submitted by kmmohan
Posted January 14, 2010 12:57 AM
So Kibaki, his VP, Uhuru, etc., etc. of PNU, and most R.V. MPS led by Kutuny (not by Ruto) are skipping the Mau ceremony on Friday due to 'other committments' or because they know rain doesn't fall from trees!. Fine, let'm. Mr. PM., we congratulate you for sticking your neck out for saving Mau. Let Moi see how far 'they' will go. May God protect and bless you.
Submitted by marioso
Posted January 14, 2010 12:44 AM
I read in one of the BBC radio news that Kibaki sleeps for more than twelve hours a day. Kenyans, lets move ahead and plant trees, after,all there is Raila, and there is a government. No surrender to ineffectiveness!
Submitted by SNambami
Posted January 14, 2010 12:36 AM
As noted by Jesse Jackson: Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things. A leader takes people where they want to go. A GREAT leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go but ought to be. Mau is our lifeline and we need to unite to conserve it. Go for it Mr. PM.
Submitted by flopfeiffer
Posted January 14, 2010 12:34 AM
Keep up Raila, Kenyans are now wiser. The path you are taking cannot ruin you, it can only build you.
Submitted by Bull
Posted January 14, 2010 12:34 AM
No surprises here. We must have seen it coming. Mau is a political liability and gem depending on which side of te political divide you belong. Those who consider it a poisoned chalice will give it a miss while those believing it harbours milage will dirty their hands. We have leaders and then we have followers, take your pick.
Submitted by cyberspc
Posted January 14, 2010 12:16 AM
Kibaki is trying to protect Moi in Mau, so that Moi can protect Uhuru to run for President without the new constitution. But they are failing and badly. Lots of new surprises ahead. The Hague is just one of them. This time it is hell.
Submitted by kwameh mathu
Posted January 13, 2010 11:55 PM
We need leaders like Raila who not only talk the talk but walk the walk too.
Submitted by lubumbashi
Posted January 13, 2010 11:48 PM
Not unexpected Mwai Kibaki will be relaxing at State House as Kenyans plant trees to protect environment. The New Year speech by Kibaki to conserve the environment was a written speech. It might very well be that Kibaki does not even remember that the written speech contained Mau and environment related matters.
Submitted by MichaOlga
Posted January 13, 2010 11:16 PM
Enough of this circus. Raila go ahead and plant trees. Kibaki, it's a good thing you're taking a back seat in this, shows that you're not jealous. You're letting a fellow 'bratha' shine. Now would everyone stop making such a huge deal of Kibaki's absence? Is the Prime Minister always where Kibaki is anyway? C'mon! This cuts both ways.
Submitted by conyanja
Posted January 13, 2010 11:16 PM
By not attending, the president has shown that his style of play remains the same. He always wants someone to do the dirty work for him. Remember the way he pushed some pple to create Narc-Kenya while sitting on the fence and eventually jumping to the other side of the fence? Kenyans should conserve mau, young people need it more than the old
Thursday, January 14, 2010
6:54 PM
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