Aug 13th 2009
The Economist
A long-lasting leader faces growing problems at home and abroad
HE HAS run Ethiopia as prime minister since 1991, but Meles Zenawi, still only 54, has two faces. One belongs to a leader battling poverty. In this mode he is praised by Western governments, with Britain to the fore, for improving the miserable conditions in the countryside, where 85% of Ethiopia’s 80m-plus people live. Mr Meles takes credit for building new roads, clinics and primary schools, and for an array of agricultural initiatives. He also wins plaudits for his country’s low crime rate and for keeping its parliamentarians more or less on the straight and narrow, especially in terms of wealth. They get paid only about $3,240 a year compared with the $120,000 earned by Kenya’s fat-cat MPs. Moreover, in the past few years Ethiopia’s economy has grown fast. Mr Meles says it will grow this year by 10%, though the IMF’s figure is about half as big.
His mind is sharp, his memory elephantine, and he bristles with energy and vigour. In a rare interview, he speaks for two hours without notes. With his polished English, full of arcane turns of phrase from his days at a private English school in Addis Ababa, the capital, he captivates foreign donors. Though he avoids mentioning famine because the spectre of it may be looming again, he uses the memory of past debacles to prick Western consciences. Last month he suggested that the famine of 1984, which stirred Band Aid to come to Ethiopia’s help, may have been worsened by the pollution in Europe. He says he fully expects the West to pay $40 billion a year to Africa to compensate it for the damage caused by climate change.
But then there is the harsher side of Mr Meles, the Marxist fighter turned political strongman with a dismal human-rights record who is intolerant of dissent. In 2005, after a disputed general election, his police shot dead some 200 civilians. An independent inquiry ended up with several of its judges fleeing the country. Mr Meles sprinkles spies through the universities to intimidate and control the students; he was once a student agitator himself. He closes down independent newspapers and meddles in aid projects, banning agencies that annoy him. Last month he suspended the activities of about 40 of them from the Somali-populated parts of the country.
Many of Ethiopia’s opposition leaders were imprisoned after the election of 2005 on trumped-up treason charges; after a year or more, they were freed. But several have been rearrested. A new catch-all law that has just been passed could make peaceful opposition liable to the charge of inciting terrorism.
In any case, the economic story is not quite as rosy as Mr Meles suggests. Ethiopia may have only a few weeks of foreign reserves left. On the business front, the country remains very backward. Ethiopians have one of the lowest rates of mobile-phone ownership in Africa. Banking is rudimentary at best. Farming is still mostly for subsistence.
And famine looms once more. At that suggestion, Mr Meles narrows his eyes and growls, “That is a lie, an absolute lie.” There is more than enough food in government warehouses to feed the people, he says. But others say stockpiled grain has already been earmarked for handing out to people in the towns. The UN and foreign charities are predicting a large-scale famine in Tigray, Mr Meles’s home region, by November. At least 6m people may need food handouts unless more supplies can be found locally.
Mr Meles’s officials, most of them still working in gloomy Soviet-built offices, often sound almost paranoid in their sensitivity to criticism. The prime minister is quick to talk up threats to his country, whether from malcontents in the army or disgruntled ethnic groups among Ethiopia’s mosaic of peoples. Radical Oromos, a southern group that makes up about a third of Ethiopia’s people, often fall under suspicion. A bunch arrested earlier this year after an alleged attack on a dam under construction were paraded on state television as members of the secessionist Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). The government also regularly publicises threats by the Ogaden National Liberation Front, a Somali separatist group in the east, which has murdered foreigners and Ethiopians exploring for oil in that area.
Mr Meles is understandably worried by events in the wider region. Ethiopia’s relations with Eritrea, his mother’s birthplace, remain lousy. He accuses it of backing jihadists bent on hurting Ethiopia. He also accuses Eritrea of egging on Oromo rebels in the south and Somali separatists in the Ogaden region. “Eritrea is hellbent on destabilising Ethiopia,” he says. “It does not care who it sleeps with.”
And he remains edgy about the continuing strife in Somalia. In late 2006, with American encouragement, he sent his army there to topple an Islamist government that had declared a holy war on Ethiopia. Earlier this year he withdrew his troops after it became apparent they could not impose peace. But now the jihadists are gaining ground there again, bringing in al-Qaeda types—just what Mr Meles wanted to prevent.
So Mr Meles is up against it, at home and abroad, but apparently relishing the challenges. A general election is due next year. He had previously hinted he might step down after it. More recently, he has sounded less sure, dismissing such speculation as “boring”. Some say he may leave his prime ministerial post but stay on to chair his ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front. He seems likely, in whatever guise, to call the shots—with decreasing dissent.
Music teachers give sound advice wrote
Wow he fully expects 40 billion a year from Europe for causing climate change? Is that the new excuse for failure, are people tired of the old colonialism bit.
Perhaps he should just say, Hey give me money for unproven silly ideas like humans who live north of me are the reason it does not rain in the desert. It is of course the increase in carbon that has created my bloated government bureaucracy. A bureaucracy so large that in the midst of soaring agriculture and land prices, large scale agribusiness still ignores our large swaths of potential farmland. What else but an imperceivable change in temperatures could be chasing away even the most determined entrepreneurs?
Are you sure this is the only problem we have here. The country is falling apart. There is no power, businesses are shut down, and people are laid off. Businesses are working only 50% of their capacity because of shortage power. The unemployment rate is growing fast. Inflation is rising. People are not able to eat once a day. The double face premier when he came to power he said that he will feed the people three times a day but he managed this to be come true for Tigrain people only. Big business and government posts are controlled by Tigrians. Ethiopia is dying because of the so called democratic leader who can satisfy the demands of the western leaders only.
I don’t have any problem with the economist article regarding "The two sides of Meles Zenawi" First of all most of the comment left by Ethiopians under this article is very biased, nonsense and, based on hate. No one gave the current government or Meles any credit for their effort to bring the country out of poverty. Instead every comment is negative and hateful.
Move on if you like it or not. Meles is much better than the previous Junta government. I don’t understand why the majority of Ethiopians have hate against Tigrean instead of contributing something to their country. I am sorry to say this but the article has its truth about Melese and well documented. Thank you The Economist for your honest opinion.
Ludwig V Mises
The people of ethiopia are a miserable people. They would rather die of hunger instead of irrigating their God given fertile land. That is the epitome of laziness. Thank God for Meles Zenawi. He is their savior.
huh! American imperialist and jihadis fighting everywhere, in between innocents die. Both are foolish warmonger.
I appreciate your seemingly balanced review of the PM's accounts. Nonetheless, it payed little attention to issues of democracy, freedom and equality up on which many Ethiopians are forced to live in agony and despaire. Besides, his idea of relinquishing power seems far reaching taking in to account similar statements made by him several times.
Dear Editor,
It is a great improvement from the past articles posted in most western media outlates because at least this article has some facts about the suffering of the majority people under the Meles's minority Tigrean dictator facist regime. I belive this change comes because the western countrious and government and their media's are giving up hope on the Dying miniority tribal divisve Meles regiom that has enjoyed their propganda and finance support for the last 19 years.
Also, for majority ethiopian Meles has only one side which is a minority tirbal baby killer facist, tribal hateful war monger (who divides his fellow ethiopans by ethnic & religion), liar(who no any trust accountabiliity as a leader in the face of majority ethiopians regardless of their ethnic background), thief (Who created ethnic based NGO's such as EFFORT to steal public fund and to amass wealth by taking ownership of former public owned industries and investmaents with the help of his Wife and his fellow Tirgrean minority clan members), and corrupted low life individual without any moral value for his country, fellow ethiopians (except his Tigre Clan base)who will sell any thing for the highest bidder (for example the recent farm land sell for foreingers to get a quick cash for his tribal base).
Finally, I will say the western media including the Economist need to open their eyes and tell the truth about the economy unjustice and human right abuse commited by tribal dictators such as Meles Zenawi
I read with amazement your coverage-"the Two sides of Meles Zenawi".
The question that puzzelles the western(donor nations)-the real faces of Meles- is not as mysetery as The Esteemed Economist magazine appears to expend its ink and paper to the vast majoity of Ethiopians who are the victims at the end of his cruel and barbaric policy.
The now defunct Aparthied regime and The Infamous Third Reich has registered fantastick Economik Developemnt at the cost of millions of slave labour and the extermination of over 6.million Jews..This has only become obivious after the defeat of of these regimes.
In the 1930's Europe Hitler were admired as the savior of German devastating economy from near melt down and the danger of Bolshovik takeover of political power...Hitler's two faces were chroncled by the then main stream and famous jounalists..some time appeasing his violent charcter as lapses of a "Great leader?"..Is History repeats itself when the gallewos of Meles's jails opened their mouth and myriads of his war crimes and crimes against humanity exposed? what say you my Dear The Economist? Only time will tell us which faces of Herr Meles will haunt us the rest of our life on this earth..Our merciful God help us All!!!!
Thank you
Music teachers give sound advice,
every bit of you comment is incorrect.
1. climate change brought on by European and American industrialization has affected Africa detrimentally.
2. Ethiopia, in general, is not a desert.
3. The government of Ethiopia is not a "bloated" bureaurcracy.
4. In fact many private investors/foreign governments are currently seeking to invest in Ethiopian agriculture, and the government, far from discouraging this, is being criticized for promoting this.
Get your facts right, stay away from generalizations and try to tap into some reason prior to posting a comment.
De Luussert
The evidence of the comments so far points to Ethiopia's greatest problem, and to the reason why Ato Meles Zenawi is still in power...and will be for the foreseeable future. I love Ethiopia, the richness and depth of its culture, the patience and resilience, warmth and grace of its people (of every ethnicity I encountered, including the Tigray in charge). Having lived there for a few years, I have no doubt that abuses of power have occurred under TPLF/EPRDF rule, just as they occurred under Mengistu and Emperor Haile Selassie.
At the risk of oversimplifying (always a risk in this complex place), the TPLF takes care of its own through EFFORT and its subsidiaries, just as communist cadres took care of their own during the Derg regime, and just as the (mostly Amhara) families did during the emperor's "golden years". Nothing new under the sun.
To preempt vitriolic responses: yes, I'm "ferenj bech'a" (just a foreigner), so I'll never be able to see through all the intricate power plots and plays to the degree that any Habesha could, but the point remains: Ato Meles has to strike a careful balance: he must re-open the political space that he shut down after the events of 2005. The TPLF got scared to death by the Kinejit (opposition)'s attempt to hi-jack power in all of Ethiopia after winning the election just in the capital), and is determined not to let it happen again.
By the way, Ato Meles does not make these decisions by himself...politbureau is not a dead word in Ethiopia). Unless the political space re-opens, the opposition will remain what it is: a disparate, dysfunctional coterie of individuals and small groups with no unified voice, no credible alternative, no concrete proposals with any factual grounding.
On the other hand, Meles has to keep the country together if any of his proposals and programs are to have any chance of success. Education in particular (to use just one example) is in desparate straits, in spite of all the capacity building that has gone on, and at least partially because of the (probably well-intentioned) federal reforms.
Striking the balance between allowing civil and informed (!!!) dissent and controlling the development of the country would be no easy task for anyone, and from my perspective, Ato Meles has managed rather well, given the internal and external environments he has to deal with. Mr. Meles is no angel; he is a shrewd, intelligent, eloquent politician in a country that has very few of the same. Ethiopia (and the diaspora) may have viable alternatives in the wings somewhere, but they are very hard to see from where I sit...
Many Ethiopians that know the past feel good of the resent government of Ethiopia.But some ellites that need the power for nothing but to put them selves as a figer head and some those who unable to understund or do not want to understund the truith need to dismiss the good values and developments of of Ethiopia.These people need to put the youth in conffussion.Meles Zenawi is the Candle of bright future to Ethiopia and to Africa. May God Bless Meless Zenawi
The writer tried to give his view more or less in the right way.As I sow the given comments are not balanced.I do not want to blame those who suggusted to their understanding but to the truth they denied to udress. As we all ,nationals or others, know the was and is ethiopian situation is vividely clear to whom have an information of the nation.The socio-economic and political situation is getting better to the mass but for ellits that were and need to dictate the nation to the hell and some Eritrean sponsored terorits.But most of us getting better and needing and left with much more. MAY GOD BLESS ETHIOPIA TRUELY ETHIOPIAN
Ethiopia: Is The Economist naïve on Meles Zenawi?
By Ethiopian for Ethiopian Cause
Like many Ethiopians, I read the Economist article entitled “The two sides of Meles Zenawi“ [1]. The article tried to present a balanced view of the situation surrounding Meles Zenawi and his actions. But, be it from lack of information or understanding of the real socio-political situation of Ethiopia, I tend to comment that The Economist’s analysis has somehow failed to demonstrate issues that are more relevant and urgent than a skewed and light presentation of the socio-economic situation of Ethiopia under Meles regime. For instance, I found the description of Meles’s intelligence is skewed to the right (a bit of exaggeration) where as the analysis on his economic policy is skewed to the left, even somehow misleading.
Concerning Meles’s personality, he is rather known to be a gifted manipulator for the people who have difficulties to understand the Ethiopian socio-political situation. Ethiopians know him and cannot be hoodwinked by him as his foreign godfathers are. That’s why he is at odds with the Ethiopian people but in love with foreign donors. For instance, many foreign donors still seem to have no any knowledge how the Ethiopian economy and politics are conducted by the minority Tigree faction leader Meles Zenawi.
The Economist article [1] attempts to convince readers that Meles has made progress on economic growth, construction of roads, buildings, and so on. Yet the same article failed to analyse to whom that economic growth is destined and who are benefiting from the construction projects, why those types of projects are being used effectively by the Meles regime to manipulate foreign donors.
As an example, at the early time of Meles’s control of power in Addis, foreign donors like IMF, World Bank and others asked Meles’s regime to make privatization and economic liberalization reform as a precondition to award him the highly sought foreign donation and loans. As a newly arrived regime, Meles and his rebel group entered Addis Ababa with empty hand. At that time, Meles with his senior members of the rebel group were walking with sandals and raged vestments.
They needed foreign support very badly. Meles had to act according to the preconditions set but he knew also that a real economic liberalization and privatization reform was a threat and a complete disaster for the survival of his minority regime. For a wicked person as Meles, he didn’t take time to hoodwink foreign donors and make things to his personal advantage (not for the benefit of the country).
So, he went forth for the requested reform amazingly and disturbingly on which no foreign donors understood at that time and none have ever spoken publicity so far. In the manipulative Meles privatization process, he then dismantled formerly state owned companies and sold to “private” business people. Once the major and important sectors were sold to the “private business people”, foreign donors were happy to push for their commitment to support the regime.
In reality, Meles have never made economic liberalization and privatization since he came to power. He made a fake privatization by transferring state-owned companies and properties to the very same people who were (and still are) within the ruling party (minority TPLF) and close supporters of his single ethnic based rule. Today almost all companies which were meant to be privatized are owned by the TPLF members and family affiliates. Foreign donors have been pumping money directly to the regime for this adjustment and indirectly through contract projects which are controlled and managed by the same party TPLF.
So, the “private” business people were laughably the same people who were and are still the senior members of the minority Tigree regime who became the richest of all, even at international scale, thanks to the blind support of foreign donors who knew nothing except Meles’s use of the term privatization and economic liberalization. Those senior members of the minority Tigree faction regime, far beyond their sandals and raged vestments, they have now amassed unbelievable fortune and allegedly stored huge sums of money in foreign banks.
They are now the richest and holder of the economic conglomerate called Endowment Fund For the Rehabilitation of Tigree (EFFORT). EFFORT [4] controls almost the whole economic activity and harvest the maximum benefits form foreign donated funds, tax breaks, and unaccounted bank loans, preferential contracts, etc. Those construction activities claimed by The Economist as one of the “best” achievement of Meles are indeed misleading. EFFORT, in which his own wife Azeb Mesfin is apparently the board director of this conglomerate, encompasses and controlls several tens, if not hundreds, companies in almost all fields and sectors of economic activities
Netsanet wrote
I can tell you are showing a very slight improvement in both your manner of addressing you view point, and of course I can see your offensiveness is a bit tamed especially on Zenebe Geneme. But still I can tell lawless character on your ideas about both the dictator Meles ans Zenebe Geneme. Let me start from Zenebe; you said that you read both his article and the Embassy's "Press Release".
You, I and everybody who can read Amharic/the national language/ can see a plain fact where went wrong. If you are really a good reader, have you seen the Embassy quoted in the end of its Press Release? Let me remind you it says, "he is a wolf person in sheep skin". It also warns him to stop from what he is doing. Hey take yourself out from imaginary obsession and opportunistic feeling and think about this person.
Imagine yourself as a human being and try to put yourself in Zenebe's shoe. Of course the point is not about him and I can see him in all his comments preaching about himself, but rather his is disclosing what is happening in Ethiopia to the world. From his language skill he is capable of writing his own story but he is not doing that. By the way wherever he goes even if he does not write a single article any person with a status will automatically grant an asylum.
It is not as Zenawi and his Hyenas think. So what I am advising you is to have sufficient information and knowledge of Ethiopia before you blindly accuses and make personalize things. Whatever ethnics group you are it does not matter but use your mind and try to substantiate your point of debate centering on the Economist article. Let me remind you some factual mischief of the dictator rule which you (Tintag) fascinated in because of a little benefit you get.
Let me start with credible information that Zenebe Geneme provided before. Meles Zenawi is from Tigray and his is a brutal ruler for almost 20 years as well as Seyom Mesfin who is a Foreign Minister for 20 years. More than 60 highest posts are owned by Tigrians. All Embassies are controlled by Tigrians for example in Yemen.
Ethiopians know about the struggle of creating Tigrian economic hegemony by the name called Effort. Millions of Ethiopians are fleeing out of the country because of unemployment, imprisonment, torture etc. There is only one Television station owned by the Meles dictatorial regime. There is no fully independent private printing media.
Like the Ethiopian Parliament there are fake newspapers which receive certain information reflects the positive side. There is only one ruling faction owned telecommunication service provider agency, which provide Internet service. Many web pages are intentionally blocked especially those web sites helpful to enhance political awareness on the people. Here I cannot finish counting the super dictatorial oppression of Meles Zenawi and his hyenas rule. So Tintag, do not be a devil advocate. The world already knows the true. Any ways you seem beginner hyena or former Tigrian Liberation … /Woyane/.
I know them very well for many years when they select some indecent words and phrases to act as if they know. Unfortunately you /Tintag/ I feel you do not even know what you are saying and do not have even a little shame while you speak favoring the Zenaw's tyrant rule.
Even Meles does not deny what he is doing but after he massacre or imprison civilians his reason is it is violation of the constitution/lists of articles in order to preserve political power/. The former military regime/Derg/ stayed in power for 17 years but the Meles Zenawai dictator is becoming more but sooner it will collapse with the Ethiopians Unity and the world's condemnation. God bless Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people.
Tintag wrote
First, let he who is a logophile - and not you - judge if my English is broken or not. Just because it is somewhat arcane, may sound for the uninitiated like your good-self to be broken. Incidentally, if your real intention is to spot a broken English, I invite you to re-read Zenebe Geneme's drivels. So don't try and present yourself as the master of the English language which you ceratinly are not. You accuse me of being "ordinary." Thank God for that, and may I state you could have not been more right. I rather portray myself as ordinary - which I am proud to be - than don the badge of someone whom I cannot be.
Like you, I, too, have read Zenebe's for want of a better word 'hagiography on Ethiomedia. I have also read the entirely valid note verbal written by the Ethiopian Ambassador to the Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I see nothing wrong here. In the world of diplomacy, one simply doesn't vanish from his posting williy-nilly.
Neither Meles nor I are against freedom of speech, and my nailing of Zenebe's incessant lies is,indeed, one manifestation of a freedom of speech. You see Nesanet, if your education was complete, you would have realised by now that freedom of speech is a dual carriage way and not a one way system.
The Ethiopia under Meles which Zenebe is trying to portray is a far cry away from the Ethiopia that is there for everyone to see for himself. It is only when diplomats are recalled home, that they start churning out make-belive stories intheir attempt to pave the road for asylum as well as to secure a niche for themselves within the Ethiopian communities abroad.
Zenebe and his likes are seen expressing their affectation with the now worn-out cliche of "ethno-centrist" to criticise Meles Zenawi's administration. What they, in fact, are doing is expressing their dread of seeing a veritable union of willing, free and equal peoples, nations and nationalities. Opponents of Meles feel insecure when they see hitherto neglected Ethiopians enjoy their identities,languages and cultures. To opponents of Ethiopia, God has bestowed upon a certain 'chosen' Ethiopian nationality the free-hold of Ethiopia. That is why Meles' opponents have been deafening our ears in the Diaspora of an Ethiopia on the cusp of disintegration, while the reality is that real union has ensconed itself in Ethiopia as never before.
That is why verdant opposition personalities like Zenebe have been 'lecturing' the world that their is "no democracy and freedom of speech in Ethiopia, while the reality speaks of: a vibrant pluralistic democracy with more than 40 political parties actively engaged in the day-by-day increasing political space, and an equally vibrant Fourth Estate with a growing number of privately owned newspapers criticising the Government in a manner and style not tolerated anywhere else in Africa.
This doesn't in any mean that the Meles Zenawi's
We know Zenebe Geneme and the entire story about him. He used to suffer a lot by his thought, ideas and ethnics and that was evidently presented on the website called . We already witnessed the letter from the Embassy and from the dictatorial rule he used to work as a professional.
There is no way that Meles and his hyenas can hurt him anymore. How could a country tell its own professional diplomat to get lost into another country of duty? Meles and the hyenas around him do not know what they are doing. We also know this young energetic young man with lots of special skills. There are also many more young Ethiopians very enlightened in the modern knowledge and technologies. Unfortunately the Zenawi and the hyenas ruling do not give them a chance to bring change for their own country. When these young Ethiopians demand their right, they are killed, imprisoned and forced to leave their own country.
Tintag I can guess from the broken English you wrote you must be one of the Zenawi's hyenas group. So would you please stop being very ordinary and try your best to bring a solid argument on the basis of the main topic here on the Economist like Zenebe is doing. In that case you can convince the world if there is any thing else practicing in Ethiopia other than dictatorship. Once again do not try to silence anybody, of course that is Zenawi's and the hynas nature, when they express their free thoughts and expressions.
zenebe geneme/
Ineffective policy by the Ethiopian government since 1991 has caused widespread famine in Ethiopia, which used to be a common problem for the northern part of the country, Tigray.
Millions of Ethiopians are starving to death. The current Tigrian minority rule is not willing to form a practical food policy for the country. It does not accept the country's intellectuals' advice but imprisons many and forces many more to abandon their country. Today Ethiopian scholars and intellectuals are working and advising very productive institutions and organizations in Europe and North America.
The current food crisis began in early 2008. Though numbers are vague, 10 million people are allegedly in urgent need of food. The ruling faction of the country has also recently created restrictive aid laws that will make it difficult for nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to give necessary support to the civilians.
Starvation for Political Power
Rulers of the past silently massacred the people through starvation, hoping that starvation would kill any disobedience that might arise. Since 1991, the same historical strategy of food for political success is applying in the country.
Ethiopia is a country blessed in natural resources and has a great potential to supply food products to the world market. It has 12 huge water basins, including the longest River Nile, and has naturally fertile soil types for agriculture. Unfortunately feudalistic thoughts and dictatorship rulers silently massacre the civilians only for political gain. Human Rights reports indicate the concern on the ever degrading violent situations in this country
The ruling system of Ethiopia was installed in May 1991. The first President was Negasso Gidada. The EPRDF-led government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi promoted a policy of ethnic federalism, devolving significant powers to regional, ethnically-based authorities.
Ethiopia today has nine semi-autonomous administrative regions that have the power to raise and spend their own revenues. Under the present government, some fundamental freedoms, including freedom of the press, are circumscribed.
Zenawi's government was elected in 2000 in Ethiopia's first ever multiparty elections after being in power for nine years; however, the results were heavily criticized by international observers and denounced by the opposition as fraudulent. The EPRDF also won the 2005 election returning Zenawi to power.
Ethiopian police are said to have massacred 193 protesters, mostly in the capital Addis Ababa, in the violence following the May 2005 elections in the Ethiopian police massacre.The government initiated a crackdown in the provinces as well; in Oromia state the authorities used concerns over insurgency and terrorism to use torture, imprisonment, and other repressive methods to silence critics following the election, particularly people sympathetic to the registered opposition party Oromo National Congress (ONC).
The ruling Tigrians in Ethiopia have a powerful grip on the country's inhabitants as those in the defeated parties flee the country or wait until they are thrown in jail. Those who have already anticipated the worst have left the country while others were sent to jail accused of fabricated criminal charges.
Former Tigrian liberation fighters now rule the country. Ethiopia does not have a domestic policy dedicated to democratization and economic development. The minority Tigrians are pushing the already-impoverished peoples of Ethiopia again to the brink of famine. Millions are migrating out of the country in search for food and better life.
Some are posted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to overseas missions. The Ethiopian Embassy staff in Yemen between 2007-2009 consisted of 11 'diplomats' and 15 supporting employees. Of the total 26 employees,12 are Tigrian, former fighters and members of Tigrian liberation forces.
Of the diplomats, only two were professionals and the rest are Tigrian liberation fighters, members, and military officers. The Tigrian diplomats called themselves strugglers (Tagay) and threatened, insulted and blackmailed those two professionals.
Most former Tigrian liberation fighters don't know how to read and write yet get the highest salary and allowances. They work for the majority but protect the minority (individual) interest.
The ruling Tigrians in Ethiopia have a powerful grip on the country's inhabitants as those in the defeated parties flee the country or wait until they are thrown in jail. Those who have already anticipated the worst have left the country while others were sent to jail accused of fabricated criminal charges.
Former Tigrian liberation fighters now rule the country. Ethiopia does not have a domestic policy dedicated to democratization and economic development. The minority Tigrians are pushing the already-impoverished peoples of Ethiopia again to the brink of famine. Millions are migrating out of Ethiopia.
zenebe geneme/
Zenebe Geneme/
How on earth we talk about democracy and good governance with the existence of almost 20 years of dictatorial Tigrian faction Meles's rule still dominating Ethiopia? How on earth we talk about Ethiopian's economic development with the existence of more than famine stricken children, women and aged? It is really a paradox to talk about Ethiopia's freedom of speech and expression since there are thousands of civilians in the worst Ethiopian prisons. Let me tell you a true existing situation in the country. My main focus is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Meles Zenawi and his faction rule. The foreign minister is Seyom Mesfin, another fanatic dictator and a life long fellow of Zenawi. He is a foreign minister almost for 20 years. They are relatives who are carefully dominating others leaving no room for suspicion. Then Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Seyom's rules the worst for professionals who are from other ethnic lines other than Tigrians. Sometimes it is also the worst for even for Tigrians too. In this case, I need no witness since I have been working in the Ministry. I know it very well. Embassies overseas always receive instructions to counter any criticism of the faction rule in Ethiopia. The ministry and the prime minister's office get shocked when they see disclosing News and articles of the faction rule in the country. The dictator rule in Ethiopia does not want to hear the truth about itself. I can guess the Economist editors have relieved letter from the ministry or from the Embassy. Or the people who are working for this dictatorial Meles faction rule try to approach you so that you would not publish such articles next time. BUT I know the aged long Economist would never be corrupted by the corrupted dictatorial Zenawi's rule.
In 1991 everybody expected democracy in Ethiopia. How ever it was a misconception because Meles Zenawi and his fellows did not take power through peaceful means. All were guerilla fighters who were following the rule in the jungle. The existed military regime /Derg/ extreme cruelty distracted everybody's focus and started helping Zenawi's Tigrain guerilla faction. The grave mistake in history was done the minute of supporting the guerilla fighter. Expecting democracy and good governance from a guerilla in the forest is like expecting a dove from Serpentes' egg. So all what we see and what the Economics critically observed and depicted in the article is what is really happening in the poor Ethiopia and we expect more readings on the dictatorial regime. The Economist is rescuing the silenced presses and helping the imprisoned and brutally killed Ethiopian journalist voice heard to the world. Keep it up!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
10:19 PM
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