April 6 2009
A parade of top-level government and party leaders on Monday failed to convince Justice minister Martha Karua not to quit government.
Among those who went to see her on Monday to urge her to stay on in government included Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka and Public Health minister Beth Mugo, both from PNU.
“I felt she was making a hasty decision but apparently, she had made up her mind. She was very good and I felt if she leaves the Cabinet, it will be poorer,” Mrs Mugo said.
A PNU meeting held at Serena Hotel on Sunday after the Kilaguni talks failed, resolved to talk to Ms Karua to welcome her back to the fold. Members felt she could play a key role in their battle with ODM.
Her own party, Narc Kenya, had tried to persuade her not to quit during a morning meeting at its Kilimani headquarters. She announced her resignation from her former office at the Ministry of Justice, Constitutional Affairs and National Cohesion.
The Gichugu MP, who has also been the Deputy Leader of Government Business in Parliament, has been unhappy that her advice on judicial and other changes has been rejected by President Kibaki.
President Kibaki is away in Lusaka, Zambia, where he is attending a Heads of State and Government summit of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern African countries (Comesa).
Last month, President Kibaki told Cabinet ministers who were grumbling to either quit or risk being sacked. The remarks were supported by Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
At the time, Ms Karua, who had taken a vocal and independent stand on issues, was widely viewed as one of the ministers in danger of being affected in a reshuffle.
She becomes only the fourth Cabinet minister to resign on their own volition during former President Moi’s and President Kibaki’s governments. Others are Mr Kenneth Matiba, Mr Simeon Nyachae and Mr John Koech, all who resigned during Mr Moi’s rule.
Last week, five judges were sworn in without her knowledge though matters of justice are in former docket. Ms Karua has been opposed to judicial appointments before reforms and had said such appointments are not based on competence and merit.
She has also been involved in a war of words with Chief Justice Evan Gicheru, who she has accused of blocking reforms in the Judiciary.
Law Society of Kenya had written to the President asking him to set up a tribunal to try and remove Judge Gicheru for incompetence, a move Ms Karua seemed to back. Recently, the President wrote back to express confidence in the Chief Justice and declined the request to have him removed.
Announcing her departure, Ms Karua said she was not ready to serve while her hands were tied. She said her work had been frustrated by an anti-reform group in government but she would continue pushing for changes from the back benches of Parliament, in forums organised by civil society and as a Narc-K presidential hopeful.
“Today, I have tendered my resignation as minister for Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs. I feel my position is untenable following recent events in the ministry. I cannot go on serving when my hands are tied. I cannot remain in office,” she said.
Her letter of resignation, which the President has the option of accepting or rejecting, was sent to State House, Nairobi, on Monday. President Kibaki returns from Zambia on Tuesday.
“My letter of resignation to the President is equally short and I am not going to explain anything beyond what I have said. I would like to plead for understanding from my constituents, members of my party, Narc Kenya, my family and my friends,” she said.
The Gichugu MP’s decision comes at a time when the coalition government grappling with rising tension between the partners. The weekend’s Kilaguni Lodge meeting brought to the open deep and at times farcical differences between ODM and PNU.
ODM accuses PNU of blocking reforms and PNU hits back by saying ODM is only interested in accumulating more power. Ms Karua, who speaks her mind freely, has made many political enemies in PNU, including Deputy PM Uhuru Kenyatta, Cabinet ministers Kiraitu Murungi and George Saitoti who have publicly criticised her.
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“I have done my best serving in the ministry but it is now untenable. This resignation is about being obstructed from doing my work,” she said.
Ms Karua had objected to the appointment of chief magistrates Aggrey Muchelule, Florence Muchemi and lawyer Abida Ali-Aroni three years ago.
She has also blamed Mr Justice Gicheru of being against judicial reforms, which were identified under Agenda Four of the National Accord.
In turn, the CJ accused Ms Karua of interfering with his work and blocking the appointment of more judges at a time when Kenya’s law courts were being choked with a backlog of cases.
Ms Karua, who strongly defended President Kibaki during the tallying of presidential votes at the Kenya International Conference Centre late December 2007 and led the PNU team during the mediation talks, was not given the position of Deputy Prime Minister, as some expected. She was also initially left out of the top level team charged with managing coalition affairs.
Submitted by olekanyatta04
Posted April 07, 2009 01:04 PM
Martha you are the midwife of true liberation. You are the female Dedan Kimathi. Lead us and we shall follow. Let the peasant’s breath some fresh air.
Submitted by physics
Posted April 07, 2009 12:52 PM
I am 50-50 about Karua coz she really messed us up in 2007 when there was a huge national/international outcry. She created and supported the monster and actually brought back the monster to state house. Now the monster is feeding on her...RUN..next CASUALTY .. dumped in Ngong forest. Everything you do comes back to haunt YOU. Even Kibaki will have a VERY PAINFUL RETIREMENT....so much Kenyan blood on his hands!!!
Submitted by Ngocho
Posted April 07, 2009 12:51 PM
She has always advocated for rule of law and continued dialogue. During the constitutional conference in 2005, she stood alone from the NAK side in calling for continued dialogue. She has however created an impression of being intolerant of differing opinions. Her position as Justice Minister was already untenable due to the number of enemies she had created. I believe we shall be worse off with her outside government, but we need a more tolerant Martha.
Submitted by Isaya Baraza
Posted April 07, 2009 12:26 PM
What Karua is alleging is just a tip of an iceberg.
Submitted by ocholabilly
Posted April 07, 2009 12:19 PM
I think Martha Karua is right, you cannot work if your hands are tide up. But my worry is that; are these the reasons why she is resigning? But I think this is a chance for Kenyans to realize that Coalition government is nolonger existing if Karua who was the chief engneer of 2007 presidetial election coup opted out from what they claimed to be theirs. Welcome lost lady. David ochola from Sweden
Submitted by pole_kenya09
Posted April 07, 2009 12:09 PM
You can't assume it. No! You can't undo it. No! You can't re-write it. No! You can't wish it away. No! But you can give it new meaning, and that will help most of us who think you have done the right thing by resigning to not only clear our conscience about you but also marshal support for you without shame. Your conduct at KICC and soon after was highly questionable vis a vis your resignition. How should we explain this seemingly dark spot on your history? Your history before 2007 elections and especially now is gorgeous!
Submitted by mwenyekiti
Posted April 07, 2009 11:53 AM
Hon. Karua, stop fooling Kenyans! You should be the last person to complain about Hon. Kibaki's anti-reform agenda. You are one of the architects who designed plans to deny Hon. Odinga presidential victory in the 2007 elections. All along, you knew change would not be brought by the old guard, of whom Hon. Kibaki is a part. Kenyans remember your role in stealing elections in 2007. You cannot cheat us anymore.
Submitted by nani_ngombe
Posted April 07, 2009 11:27 AM
Here is the game plan: Kibaki has totally destroyed the goodwill of political leadership from Central Kenya. Other than some sections of Eastern and Greater Kisii, no other Kenya is ready to look at us twice! But it is imperative we kept 'one of our own' at the top as always. Let Martha 'oppose and defy' the president. Let her resign in a huff and posture herself as a 'peoples' champion'. That's the plan, sooo predictable, sooo simple-minded. Who do you think you are fooling Martha?
Submitted by nikamifamu
Posted April 07, 2009 11:25 AM
Its unfortunate that Kibaki failed Martha and the people of Kirinyaga, Embu, Mbeere and Meru despite their steadfast support of his presidential bids since 1992!Martha has stuck to her reformist guns and principles.She is only equalled by Raila on principles as shown by Raila resignation and reelection in the moi era.The civil society and reformist Kenya will be better with her services in championing for reforms and economic emancipation of the majority poor.
Submitted by Hillaryio
Posted April 07, 2009 10:49 AM
I expect other crybaby ministers to step out of the government instead of complaining and demonizing it while still raking up millions of taxpayers money. Sometimes it is important for these leaders to know that they are not serving their own self-centered ambitions but they are serving Kenyans, I mean they are supposed to serve Kenyans. Next one?
Submitted by noel
Posted April 07, 2009 08:22 AM
Congrat's Martha atleast you saved your dignity, your earned respect and even showed the emissaries including the VP that you are not a nincompoop!
Submitted by mrsbakari
Posted April 07, 2009 07:55 AM
Congratulations Ms. Karua! Finally a politician who means what she says.
Submitted by ogutuwalwanga
Posted April 07, 2009 07:55 AM
Seed time and harvest time will never cease.This is what you sowed by supporting a rigged election.Good ridence
Submitted by duke72
Posted April 07, 2009 04:12 AM
Karua that was a very bold move and I dare any other ministers that feel the government is not working enough to follow Ms, Karua
Submitted by edkaai
Posted April 07, 2009 02:37 AM
Why is it a coincidence Martha quit and Raila attacked Kibaki on the same day?HHMMM.Why is Raila still in the coalition? Martha will now start stealing his thunder he better watch out.Why are there Kenyans still at IDPs while the Kenyattas have all that land in Central and elsewhere and nobody says anything? When will Uhuru show some concern to his fellow displaced Kikuyus and give them some place to live? Afterall his papa caused all these.Karua remember this,there is no honor among thieves next time you hold any high office.
Submitted by kagzz
Posted April 07, 2009 12:14 AM
If the reason given here is why she opted to resign, I believe its legitimate and we need to give her total support. Kenyan leaders are all very egotistical and self-centered and she is bringing this to the lime-light. There is a storm brewing in the ocean between ODM and PNU and it appears the coalition is just but a name. I pray that riotous brawls are not the end result.
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