By Odhiambo T Oketch
The current impasse between PNU and ODM on portfolio balance can best be looked at from the PNU point of view, what portfolio balance means to them even in their current government.
We must start by acknowledging that PNU got 43 seats only. They hence conned KANU, the desperate ODM-K and other small parties to join them in the power greed against ODM who had 106 MPs.
With the support of the two desperate parties, they called the police to the roads, and had Kibaki sworn in at dusk as the president of Kenya. Thereafter, Kibaki formed what they called half cabinet of 17 people.
In the half cabinet, which is supposed to serve the interest of all Kenyans, Kibaki took for himself the 7 big ministries that matter. In the edition of Showdown, a popular talk show at NTV, Hon James Orengo brought this out more candidly.
Even in PNU government, Portfolio balance is skewed in favour of Kibaki and Central Province. Kenyans, even those in PNU government must now also call the Kibaki bluff.
Look at this portfolio balance;
1] President of Kenya; Mwai Kibaki from Central Province
2] Minister for Finance; Amos Kimunya from Central Province
3] Minister for Internal Security; George Saitoti from Central Province
4] Minister for Justice; Martha Karua from Central Province
5] Minister for Local Government; Uhuru Kenyatta from Central Province
6] Minister for Energy; Kiraitu Murungi from Central Province
7] Minister for Roads and Public Works; John Michuki from Central Province
In a cabinet of 17 people, the rest must be having some impairment that clouds their systems into reality. Why can the people in PNU also call for portfolio balance in their half cabinet?
Then, we must also look at other arms of that PNU half government and confirm if it is balanced;
1] Head of Public Service and Secretary to the cabinet; Francis Muthaura from Central Province.
2] PS Internal Security; Cyrus Gituai from Central Province
3] PS Defence; James Mwaura from Central Province
4] PS Energy; James Nyoike from Central Province
5] PS Education; Karega Mutahi from Central Province
6] PS Finance; Joseph Kinyua from Central Province
7] PS Roads and Public Works; Mwaura from Central Province
8] Chief Justice; Evans Gicheru from Central Province
9] Director KACC; Aaron Ringera from Central Province
10] Chief Whip; George Thuo from Central Province
11] PPO Nairobi; Njagi Njue from Cental Province
12] Governor Central Bank; Njoroge Ndungu from Central Province
13] Cardinal; John Njue from Central Province etc etc
This is what PNU knows as sharing power with other Kenyans.
Even in PNU itself, where is the love for the rest of Kenya in distribution of power.
This is all the more reason ODM must insist that a new government is formed, with clear distribution of power to all the regions. It is not enough just being in cabinet being a minister for Nairobi Metropolitan and Citi Hoppa Services.
Odhiambo T Oketch
Koamrock Nairobi
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