By Mahmoud Mohamed in Mogadishu
July 30, 2012
Al-Shabaab's decision to execute three of its members for allegedly spying for foreign governments reflects a crisis of confidence within the ranks of the militant group, political analysts and observers say.
An al-Shabaab fighter stands guard as hundreds of residents watch a public amputation punishment. Al-Shabaab recently executed three of its members for allegedly spying for foreign governments. [Mustafa Abdi/AFP]
Al-Zawahiri message seen as attempt to divert attention from bin Laden documents
Al-Shabaab said the three men -- Ishaq Omar Hassan, 22, Yasin Osman Ahmed, 23, and Mukhtar Ibrahim Sheikh, 33 -- were spying for the US Central Intelligence Agency and the British spy agency MI6.
"Hassan and Ahmed were both responsible for the deaths of Bilal al-Berjawi and three other [al-Shabaab members]," the al-Qaeda-allied organisation said on its official Twitter account July 22nd. "The two planted tracking devices in the vehicles of al-Berjawi & his brothers which guided the missile strikes in the outskirts of Mogadishu."
Al-Berjawi, a dual citizen of Lebanon and Britain who was stripped of his British citizenship, was killed in a missile strike in January outside Mogadishu. He was reported to have been al-Qaeda's second-in-command in Somalia.
Eyewitnesses in Marka said the three men were executed by a firing squad in the city centre.
"Al-Shabaab fighters used loudspeakers mounted on pick-up trucks to call people to witness the execution and when people gathered in the square, dozens of masked fighters blindfolded the three men and then shot at them, killing them instantly," Marka resident Mohamed Said, 34, told Sabahi.
Al-Shabaab's crisis of confidence
Omar Dahir, director of the Mogadishu-based Centre for Moderation and Dialogue, said al-Shabaab's problems result from increasing divisions among members and could lead to a rapid splintering of the group in the near future.
"There is a lack of confidence within al-Shabaab, as the group does not trust its members and now its leaders do not trust one another," Dahir told Sabahi. "Al-Shabaab's decision to execute three of its members in Marka reflects the crisis of confidence that the group is suffering from."
"This might be the beginning of a score-settling battle breaking out within the group, which already suffers from deep divisions," Dahir said.
He said al-Shabaab may resort to secretly executing many of its members for fear that repeated public executions might shake the unity of the group.
"The group will execute any member that is suspected of having relations with external parties because they fear that Western intelligence agencies might be able to infiltrate the group and target their wanted leaders," Dahir said.
Al-Shabaab said on Twitter that it has "launched an extensive counter-intelligence campaign to cleanse the country of such spies".
Last year, al-Shabaab leader Mualim Hashi Mohamed Farah said Western intelligence services have infiltrated al-Shabaab's ranks, with double agents pretending to be jihadists.
This is not the only time al-Shabaab has executed members accused of spying for Western intelligence agencies. Al-Shabaab executed its deputy intelligence chief, Ahmed Ali Hussein, also known as Ahmed Keyse, in 2010 for "spying" for foreign governments.
On July 27th, al-Shabaab said it caught three "TFG spies" who are currently undergoing interrogation. "If convicted, the three men will be publicly executed," al-Shabaab said on Twitter.
Bounty deepens internal crisis among al-Shabaab
"The crisis of confidence dominates the landscape within the al-Shabaab group, which has resulted in executions of its members," said Abdirahman Mohamud, an observer of fundamentalist groups.
Since the United States announced on June 7th that it would offer up to $33 million for information on the whereabouts of seven senior al-Shabaab leaders, the wanted leaders have hidden from not only intelligence services, but also the eyes of the public and their own members.
"Al-Shabaab leaders are now afraid that the US-offered bounty money might push some of the group's members, who are motivated by greed, to betray their leaders and provide information on their whereabouts in return for financial rewards," Mohamud told Sabahi.
"In my opinion, that is the motivation behind al-Shabaab's recent decision to execute three of its members on charges of spying for US and British intelligence agencies," he said.
Mohamud said al-Shabaab has split into two camps, and each will "deal brutally" with the other.
In March, al-Shabaab leader Hasan Dahir Aweys criticised the militant group for aimlessly killing civilians in the name of Islam and for its affiliation with al-Qaeda. "
The radical al-Shabaab group has carried out many executions in the past few years, targeting not only its members, but dozens of Somali citizens charged with working and spying for Western intelligence agencies or co-operating with the Somali government or the African Union forces," said Abdullahi Osman, a political analyst and expert in the affairs of radical Islamist groups in Somalia.
Osman told Sabahi that al-Shabaab terrorises Somali citizens and threatens to execute those who co-operate with the government or the African Union Mission in Somalia.
He called on the Somali government to intensify its efforts to liberate the remaining areas still under al-Shabaab's control to put an end to the heinous crimes committed by the group.
"Al-Shabaab will continue using unwarranted and indiscriminate violence against Somali citizens until the group is driven away from the country," he said.
Reader's Comments
lamech M Nyariki August 23, 2012 @ 08:30:57AM
We ar a world of fire figthing. We respond to crisis we have created ourselves. Anyway we have to, however, the justification of KDF in Somalia is reasonable but eventually Somalia will be free from the Al Shabab terror when the whole Nation will dedicate their efforts to education not mass ammunition. Hope all goes well the soonest for the sake of human lives. religion is a scapegoat, it never really the born of contetion here but........
john joseph August 22, 2012 @ 07:28:53PM
I dont believe that these people are Somalis,cos they dont care for future of Somalia.this people are killers. Some of Tanzanians believes in Alshabaab Ideology, this is very dangerous, they are not ready to learn from Somali, we in Tanzania frequently receives Somalis fled their country, but I dont understand some of Muslims in Tanzania, why dont they learn from Somalis?
AMOS August 22, 2012 @ 01:25:09PM
ACM August 22, 2012 @ 10:12:16AM
not only the somali people who suffer but also the hyenas that Al shabab publicly made eating hyenas Halaal
oscar barasa awory August 22, 2012 @ 08:12:38AM
this group should be wiped out on the face of the earth
Caleb Mutambi August 22, 2012 @ 06:04:25AM
HONGERA KDF. we now fee protected. our lives as kenyans is now in your hands. we trust and believe in you. please press on.
0787792745 August 22, 2012 @ 04:25:45AM
there is and what you fori of me you by all and embraces several times
Jama August 22, 2012 @ 03:26:32AM
shabab will never win
bush August 22, 2012 @ 01:42:52AM
Their days are numbered.
Ndzovu August 22, 2012 @ 01:30:42AM
Munaafiquun have no place in Jihad or in Islam. If proven to be faasiq,let them be executed.Only the steadfast must remain in the war.
Kitti August 22, 2012 @ 12:32:13AM
That marks the end of everything. Alshabaab, your days are gone.JUST surrender for the sake of your your lives and the lives of your brothers & sisters coz the time has come and only the GODLY will stand.
qadar mumin August 21, 2012 @ 06:45:17PM
The government should monitor this issue and intervene when the situation becomes bitter so as to protect people’s lives, properties and the development achieved by the society. In conclusion, we need to unite our effort in bringing families together.
Kalulu August 21, 2012 @ 09:51:52AM
These thugs are desperate coz our forces are closing in, now instead of fighting like they started provoking Kenya thinking our soldiers cant fight they are busy executing one another putting their strategy in total desarray! God is realy punishing them , htis group of thugz will be finished its just a matter of a few weeks 4our Somali brothers 2get their freedom.
Dovick August 21, 2012 @ 06:12:42AM
Really the act of those people killing themselves is bliss to Somalis because every now and then Somalis are fleeing fighting and getting into neighboring countries as illegal immigrants, so it’s better for Al-Shabaab members to kill one another so that it’s easy to catch them after their number has reduced for the law to take its course.
Kagame -Dar Young African August 21, 2012 @ 05:46:04AM
Truly there is none who does not see or hear the way our Somali brothers are suffering as a result of terrorism and the murder of Somali citizens – having seen Tanzania save so many other countries I would beg Tanzania to try to save Somalia from these people called Al-Shabaab. I know Tanzania can do it.
Muslim Mubarak August 21, 2012 @ 04:45:44AM
I don’t think that it’s Al-Shabaab that deserves to be blamed but that it’s western governments, which have fostered hatred against Islam and Muslims, Muslims and Christians have lived for many centuries while differing on matters of faith, and collaborating on many things and not getting involved in WAR. The war of Somalia started when western nations led by America started helping rebels to remove the Legitimate Islamic Government. Now these are the results. Innocent people are dying. These nations are standing aside and continuing to conduct arms trade, and carrying out trials for their new weapons. BLAME AMERICA AND HER ASSOCIATES. THIS IS JIHAD WITHOUT DOUBT, GOD WILL HELP. PEACE WILL BE RESTORED AND THERE WILL BE RESPECT.
JOHN August 21, 2012 @ 03:43:25AM
Let our fellow brothers n sisters in the armed forces rid us of this menace once and for all let them continue with the good work for it is showing good results we are 100% behind you with our at most gratitude n prayers. lets wipe them out of the face of the earth.
kim August 20, 2012 @ 03:53:39PM
GOD be blessed
Abdi Dhahir Malik August 20, 2012 @ 06:49:43AM
We will this war inshallah. God is on our side.
com August 20, 2012 @ 02:16:07AM
Search Al-Shabaab killing its members signals big problems -
jahideen August 19, 2012 @ 01:22:51PM
I strongly believe the Transitional Federal Government will wean the battle for God is always with them,the deamonic Al-shabaab members will be doomed to hell.
mahamudi mpoja August 19, 2012 @ 10:12:11AM
If there is a religion that permits murder that religion belongs to Satan. Many times people call themselves Muslims and kill others mercilessly, by blowing themselves up and slaughtering them, and publicly stoning them. People who blow themselves up kill innocent people as well. We have witnessed this in Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, etc. I request to be informed if Prophet Mohamed preached about killing people arbitrarily and and is there a difference between terrorism and Islam? Is our God one who kills or who heals?
kims job August 19, 2012 @ 10:02:36AM
thanks for our kenyan forces for the job well done.
Jonas Jack August 19, 2012 @ 08:20:30AM
Al-Shabaab will never win. I congratulate the Kenyan government for its decision to support Somalia in war in order to remove Al-Shabaab and to save the lives of the people of Somalia. I think that this is a challenge to other African countries to have similar responsiveness to unite and quell that fighting by all means possible. Condolences Somalis on the loss of your brothers.
Lovemore kwanjiwa August 19, 2012 @ 08:04:24AM
when are you going to stop that tendency of killing each other?see where are coming and where you are going...cease fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
waithaki August 19, 2012 @ 07:28:18AM
Thank God this time it is not Muhamed Kamau, Muhamed Njoroge, Muhamed Mutizo or Muhamed otieno. Pls our young men come back home and go back to Kangema, Masako and siaya villages and just repeant otherwise as these mad guys called alshabab continue in their frustration they will kill all of u calling u spies . we have forgive u even after bombing ur mothers, sis, etc..
samuel August 19, 2012 @ 06:03:08AM
Why don’t Al-Shabaab destroy themselves or kill themselves because they are losing and it’s my hope they lose
SEIDU August 19, 2012 @ 04:40:09AM
Where is Al-Shabaab getting the weapons from? I believe they are getting support from powerful nations who have no interest of peace in Somalia. These nations benefit by selling weapons. Islam teaches clearly that anyone who kills a person should be killed. I don’t know how Al-Shabaab translates these teachings.
SEIDU August 19, 2012 @ 04:40:09AM
Where does Al-Shabaab get weapons? I believe that there are big nations that are behind the Al-Shabaab and the Somali clans. These nations benefit by selling weapons. Islamic teachings clearly show that he who kills a person should also be killed. I don’t know how Al-Shabaab interprets these teachings.
king feisalali August 19, 2012 @ 04:15:32AM
to me they are not good because they kill innocent people everynow and then
willy August 19, 2012 @ 02:28:18AM
religion and religious beliefs, and practices are a complex phenomena,all and sundry need to recognize and understand that.religion is both a personal and a cooperate undertaking and that each one of us need to acknowledge lest we fall into selfish and very dangerous and misleading teachings, erroneously thought to be one that will take one to eternity.let all humanity consider this dimension of religion even as we choose to worship the true creator of heaven ,the earth and all living and the non living.let all humatity also acknowledge the fact that at the end of our life here on earth it will be one on one with God and not a fellow human being-a gerally accepted teaching in all religions of the such we all have a responsibility to ensure that we are members of a true religion based on our personal revelation and not only based on other peoples teaching and understanding of what religion and religiousity is all about.
Dr.Ngonyani August 19, 2012 @ 01:18:31AM
I fail to understand if what is being fought for is the benefit of SOMALIS or for other opportunists who do not have mercy for the poor people of Somali land!!! These people should fear God, people are suffering a lot from the situation that Somalia is in now and they are completely innocent, and they do not know anything about the government or about war!! LOOK AT THOSE CHILDREN DYING OF HUNGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xuseen August 18, 2012 @ 05:24:08PM
all most is finished the time of Transitional Federal Government of somalia ,in the world leaders has give somali government to start the elections in 20 august 2012 how ever we will c what will happen in mogadisho next days .and about alshabaab amisom troops has detroyed the alshabab groups there is only 1 strong hold city kismaio in our neighbour nation kenya said with in week we will be in kismayo so i can only say i hope better where i belong
JUMA MANASE August 18, 2012 @ 03:04:24PM
cabdiqani cabdilaahi aadan August 18, 2012 @ 02:43:51PM
It is really worrying. May God lead to the straight path these youth who were misled and made to indulge in sinful actions in the name of jihad (holy war)? My brothers, holy war has conditions in which it can be fought. Fear your God and repent as repentance is accepted. If you want to fight holy war, wait as God will bring the right holy war and stop killing your people. Those people who declared holy war for their own interest and telling the youth to become suicide bombers or fight in the name of God, one of them being the man known as Hassan Hussein were not even once seen fighting what they dubbed holy war and the rest are like him. None of the so-called leaders undertook suicide bombing. Why don’t participate in suicide bombing if it is true you will be rewarded with paradise instead of misleading the youth? Fear your God my brothers.
haarun August 18, 2012 @ 06:53:47AM
This report is not true. The one who wrote it and the people who support are just the same.
Sam August 18, 2012 @ 04:00:19AM
ikon mwalo August 18, 2012 @ 02:31:45AM
Bravo to the K.D.F.we know that the alshabaabs are cowards and opportunists n we are happy that the group is now breaking...we hope 4 gr8 peace
Muema katavi August 17, 2012 @ 03:42:42PM
when shall the people of somalia enjoy a minute of stability? To hell with the fear of Americans by all misled islamists. Do they live only to fight their perceived who always beats them hands down in any encounter
alex mwanake August 17, 2012 @ 02:20:35PM
we Kenyans know what we are doing to drive these al- shababs out of their country .They say if diplomacy fails force applies .kenyan soldiers continue like that .............till they dis appear :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
james protace August 17, 2012 @ 02:16:43PM
Al-Shabaab need to be wiped off the face of the earth
kabatha August 17, 2012 @ 01:46:03PM
the problems is with the americans they inter fered between kenya and somalia whihc was an inside job like the one occured on the world trade center whereby the zionst and the americans were behind the exxplossion which would make the whole world would think it was a terrorist attark.they will come with all form of tricks to trick mankind but one day they will pay for it.
rome ngetich August 17, 2012 @ 09:19:10AM
allah is the one who created and is the who take back iour lives
sam August 17, 2012 @ 08:08:49AM
Congrats KDF..we always pray for you..Press tha battle on untill all of them (alshabaab) are crushed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saido Omar August 17, 2012 @ 07:51:53AM
There are many elements of the Al Shabab movement split from it and joined the government forces, and this split is one of the most important signs of the existence of a state of chaos and fragmentation within the movement. The splits within Al Shabab movement has increased recently in dramatically way since the success of the African Union forces in controlling much of the strategic cities in the country, which was controlled by the movement, and which is located on the outskirts of the Somali capital Mogadishu. The end of the Al Shabab movement is imminent, that it suffered a lot of losses during the last period.
Diini August 17, 2012 @ 06:49:57AM
In my opinion, I believe the leadership of this country should be given to any group that can help the people, be it Al-Shabaab or the transitional federal government but we prefer the group that will rule us using the Islamic sheriah as we are Muslims.
Ngash August 17, 2012 @ 06:40:09AM
What holy war? If they are men enough let them come out in the open.
adesh August 16, 2012 @ 01:33:07PM
you are dreaming you wil not defeat alshabaab you wil all die they are gods army inshalah they wil crush you iam in kerugoya district in kenya
STEVE August 16, 2012 @ 11:36:02AM
Congratulation to KDF,America and all powers fighting these STUPID PIGS,INGRITS..NKT..!
Steve August 16, 2012 @ 11:31:16AM
Both the Al-Shabaab and their supporters in Kenya and all over are STUPID.If i were the President of this country,i would have eliminated them all because they are one and the same people who are conducting all these bomb attacks in the country especially in the churches,why have not they attacked their fellow muslims in the mosques?..
Evance Komu August 16, 2012 @ 09:09:59AM
First it needs to be known where is Al-Shabaab getting these heavy weapons and in whose interest is that happening? I do not believe that killing people under the pretext of religion is a way to get to heaven or to escape severe punishment on the last day. Al-Shabaab is a very big threat and it is not wanted here on earth!!
moses Nganga August 16, 2012 @ 07:11:29AM
Whether there are historical injustices committed on any body including those sheikhs does not give room for the killing of innocent citizens. we have gone too far into their territory and we can only go further until we the equation is balanced. However the governments and nations that have come to the aid of somalis must do so with a sincere heart not selfish interests.whether shaabab or good citizen, all have a right to life!
abuarafat August 16, 2012 @ 04:40:37AM
I don’t understand this group why is it killing its members publicly? If it is the judgment of the army wouldn’t they have slaughtered one another in their camps instead of spreading them out so publicly? This is scary even to normal Somali citizens.
TIM August 16, 2012 @ 04:40:28AM
these are cowards hiding behind a faith to spill blood
john August 16, 2012 @ 02:21:32AM
Al shabaab and their silly believes are technologically outdated. They are instead required to advance as technology advances. As the saying says"if you fall the full you will be a full". Those greedy youths should be principled enough not to be driven by love of money but to be driven by humanitarian attributes. They should not follow their leaders blindly by spilling human blood aimlesly..
Mudus August 16, 2012 @ 01:47:34AM
Them guys are totally DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!
عادل August 16, 2012 @ 12:24:20AM
Poverty and famines that Somalia is suffering from are the result of the terrorist movements that stole everything in the country, including aid and donations delivered to Somalia. The movements stole them to increase the suffering of the innocent citizens who endure a lot because of their presence. It is necessary to stop these movements, and curb their crimes against citizens. How many times have these movements fought each other, leading to the fall of many victims during the attacks?! It was necessary that the security forces confront early these movements, because the attacks they have launched against the military apparatus killing its members . These terrorist movements tarnished the image of Somalis in the world. Moreover, they isolated Somalia from the rest of the world. But, this plan was unsuccessful and the security forces succeeded in confronting them, in cooperation with the other security systems.
kindege August 15, 2012 @ 06:56:41PM
it’s good
hamis suleman August 15, 2012 @ 03:23:46PM
Al-shabaab will never win. It is just folly arising from a lack of understanding of faith and being deceived by arabs!! stupid!!
izo August 15, 2012 @ 07:53:27AM
their days are numbers the most powerful God on the univers wil crush them one by one
lyn August 15, 2012 @ 05:18:04AM
God will curse them and they will never be the same again. They cant continue killing God people the way they do. It has to stop for Heaven's sake. If they are Lucifers and looking for blood let them kill animals if they must kill living things.
DENNIS YEGON August 15, 2012 @ 02:59:28AM
if they believe in war,why do they kill seems their intelligence unit is weak and killing them is the option.All the same God is there to rescue the situation.amen,,amen
DENNIS YEGON August 15, 2012 @ 02:31:03AM
if they believe in war,why do they kill seems their intelligence unit is weak and killing them is the option.All the same God is there to rescue the situation.amen,,amen
jackson Jerome August 14, 2012 @ 04:02:17PM
Everything comes to an end. If Osama has been defeated even they will be defeated, America and other nations should help and increase enough spies and facilitate powerful long-wave communication without Al-Shabaab apparatus intercepting it. The Sudanese government should also support it until the end.
christine mutula August 14, 2012 @ 08:42:22AM
I believe God has come to liberate Somalia from the hands of these Satan's agents who have plundered the country and killed innocent people. Let the whole world arise and save Somalia.
parachute August 14, 2012 @ 07:08:49AM
Run Alshabaab...Run!
Alshabaabi August 14, 2012 @ 05:14:40AM
Long live Alshabaab, world's no.1 terrorists.? i like them because they terrorise the biggest terrorist Christians...e.g USA UK Ethiopia and also Kenya
Anna Msuya August 14, 2012 @ 03:26:43AM
That is an adequate curse for Al-Shabaab because their rule has come to an end so they will destroy one another because a sinner curses himself first the youth who are participating in that war are so few that they cannot withstand a never-ending war that is why they want to disclose their leaders’ secrets America big up
RAMADHANI MUHIDINI SHABANI August 14, 2012 @ 02:33:46AM
عبد الرحمن الدسوقي August 14, 2012 @ 02:28:17AM
The Somali citizens have suffered greatly from terrorism. These movements aim to destabilize the security of the Somalis and tarnish their future. Many terrorists have committed the ugliest crimes in order to seize control over many parts of Somalia; especially because Somalia does not have a strong security system. This has eased the spread of terrorist cells in Somalia turning the country to a battlefield between the powerless citizens and the terrorist movements and causing much chaos in Somalia. This beautiful country suffers from poverty and a very bad economy. Poverty and famines invaded Somalia, because these movements have been stolen the donations entering the Somali lands before they reach the government. This makes the conditions even worse inside the Somali lands.
Hussein Rajabu Sendaro August 13, 2012 @ 08:00:20AM
Most of the contributors do not know the history of what they are explaining, Somalia was peaceful under Islamic Authority and Somalis lived like brothers. Since America is a big enemy of Islam she disrupted things and finally what she wants is what is costing Somalia up to now. She removed the legitimate Islamic government and fixed pawns in its place who have been unable to lead the country and up to now there are no signs of peace, Insha’Allah! God is great and one day peace will be restored by his might and not by America or her pawns.
ME August 12, 2012 @ 02:30:29AM
if this coward's believe in God why do they kill innocent people in church,in Kenya for example they threw a grenade inside a church killing worshipers and injuring others,if they got a problem with how Kenyan Government is handling the operation LINDA INCHI in Somalia?they should air their greivances differently but not target religion,christians and muslims have co-existed for many years and will continue as so for many generations to come,Kenya is not a failed state like somalia and the KDF should flash out and smoke all of them..Let them continue killing @ other but spare kenyans all that JIHAD CRAP....
Aman Suleiman August 11, 2012 @ 09:18:43AM
It is nonsense to follow a faith that does not have an image, anyone who spills the blood of a fellow human being should know that he is a follower of Satan and not Allah, and believers of any group or faith that believe that the killing of fellow human beings will be rewarded by Allah is pure nonsense, God is not stupid like that. The blood that they spilled will cry to them and finish them among themselves and generations over generations, and also the residents should disregard them by not going to witness the inhuman killings
Idd Kitambi August 11, 2012 @ 05:15:17AM
The struggle continues
geeddi August 11, 2012 @ 03:38:32AM
I have never talked behind the back of a lion I see.
xildhibaan gacma dheere August 11, 2012 @ 02:19:31AM
Al-Shabaab are violators of human rights.
John nyangala August 10, 2012 @ 11:30:18AM
If you kill by the sword you will also be killed by the sword and that is what is happening now to those terrorists. God is punishing them now
mubarak August 10, 2012 @ 09:42:57AM
Al-Shabaab is composed of men who are holy war fighters and they fight the enemies of God and those who fight the religion of Islam and you will see them ruling the whole of Somalia, God willing.
libale August 10, 2012 @ 09:24:32AM
Al Shabaab itself has recruited by offering money to youth. Its leadership should not complain when a bounty of USD 33 million is placed on their heads.
ezgard August 10, 2012 @ 08:07:07AM
Every evil has its end, I believe that the hand of God works
judy August 10, 2012 @ 06:21:36AM
they will all die painful deaths
EAN August 10, 2012 @ 03:10:03AM
furaha mabeva August 10, 2012 @ 01:33:05AM
Al-Shabaab I request you to be calm in your country because no one will come into Somalia to bring peace and it is you who will ensure that there is peace in Somalia, also those puppets of America and Britain do not have any intention of fostering peace but chaos instead, their main aim is to ensure that peace disappears from Africa completely. What I advise is that we in Africa get united to enable us find solutions ourselves.
FADHIL KHATIB August 8, 2012 @ 12:26:23PM
What is killing Somalis until now is the blood of (Sheikhs) who were slaughtered like goats in the past. Therefore, the solution to these problems of Somalia is to be allowed to be under an Islamic government as was the case in the past, failure to which fighting will continue until the Day of Judgment.
Bakilana Paschal Bashange August 8, 2012 @ 05:34:26AM
The Almighty God did not make it right for human beings to kill fellow humans, he is the only one who can do that when he wants to punish a person who has offended him, So where have the Al-Shabaab found the command to kill people who are without error/fault in the face of righteousness? Their sins is returning to them and they will destroy one another because they are murderers and God does not want his creature to be judged by fellow human beings, that is a curse before the Almighty God.
jeff japheth August 8, 2012 @ 04:46:53AM
no evil escapes unpunished! glory be to God!
jimmy August 8, 2012 @ 04:42:10AM
thats the way it should be the shabab must know that its there time to leave.
Ignas mutalemwa August 8, 2012 @ 02:35:33AM
Very sorry, some of your brothers are really suffering in Mozambique, they live like animals because they fled the war. stop the fighting so that your brothers can go back to their home,
Muumin August 8, 2012 @ 01:36:59AM
Those who are on the right path will win. Allah protects and shows mercy to his servants by all might and there will be no one powerful enough to block that.
hashil ally August 7, 2012 @ 08:29:38AM
Al-Shabaab are still powerful and they will win because I believe that it is possible to be defeated in any war but afterwards fighting continues, so those puppets of America and Britain should know that they will face problems afterwards.
samuel m opingo August 7, 2012 @ 04:29:27AM
Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Hebrews 10:31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
xyk August 7, 2012 @ 04:21:28AM
Al shabaab is the product of ignorance of most muslim people and they can not beat freedom ,most of this people are from Somaliland.Albert Njoroge August 7, 2012 @ 02:41:24AM
Shame to al-shabaab sympathizers and financiers who thinks they are serving God by their satanic acts, their god is too weak, he needs human protection.
walter August 6, 2012 @ 03:24:22PM
it’s pleasing the way you give us news such as these continue bringing them and others with in-depth analysis
salaad August 6, 2012 @ 07:40:19AM
Al-Shabaab was even initially known for not caring about Somalia and its members were mostly composed of foreigners with misguided ideology of a holy war in their minds but most of them have now learnt what Al-Shabaab is except a few who will learn soon.
Charles Mwangi August 6, 2012 @ 04:28:27AM
Good, the hyena has started eating its own entrails. The promise to offer hefty rewards for their heads is doing wonders as most of the members are motivated by money, not ideologies. It will be a big relief for all (especially Somalis) when this Al shabaab group is done away with forever.
Jeexlibaax August 6, 2012 @ 02:42:59AM
Al-Shabaab is becoming weak like a setting sun but beware that those Somalis who share similar interest at the moment will fight one another after Al-Shabaab is eliminated because their uniting goal is the fight against Al-Shabaab. Beware of that fact and have it in your minds.
baabaa August 5, 2012 @ 01:14:41PM
It is common knowledge that people are not sincere of the religion they claim to defend hence use it to suit their selfish interest by misleading others with their misguided ideology. I am very sorry about it. I would like to urge the Somalis to openly rebel against these men who kill the people for no reason all the time.
nb August 5, 2012 @ 09:49:36AM
for so od loves his people let them be punished twice cause they did wrong to him. its their time now to suffer as the way they have been destroying and killing innocent people.
EMMANUE LOI August 5, 2012 @ 07:25:28AM
Well done the writer of this column, you inform us about important things
Macherino August 5, 2012 @ 06:33:01AM
If we want to save Somalia we need to retrace our steps a bit, Siad Barre made mistakes that are harming Somalia up to now, but it is completely possible, you know Somalis are Muslims and Muslims are not stubborn so it is better for Somalia to be given authority as it was at the beginning, if it is led by sharia that will be the solution
lwidiko Mgalilwa August 4, 2012 @ 03:05:41PM
What has a beginning must have an end. God is with justice-loving Somalis.
jacob kabaya August 4, 2012 @ 12:36:45PM
i believe in transition federal governement.
mwaura ndura August 4, 2012 @ 12:07:22PM
my prayers are one day to the women,children and men of somali living peaceful like any other of the shabaab should leave now.thanks kenya defence force, brave TFG solders and amisom
xabsa maxamed August 4, 2012 @ 09:34:32AM
I believe if the transitional federal government is right, it will succeed by winning the confidence of the public.
Philip makungu August 4, 2012 @ 07:16:25AM
it’s better for all Somalis to unite and fight for their country because it’s better to have unity for the country since they are the ones who are suffering especially children and women I advise them not to flee their country but to stay and fight
Dr.Marm August 4, 2012 @ 04:20:46AM
the problem with terrorist groups is lack of mutual trust and since what they are doing is sinful at the end of the day they harm one another and that is where they break up and that marks the end of those gangs of evil-doers, I like it.
Albert Wanjofu August 4, 2012 @ 04:14:17AM
I happy that this is the just but the beginning of road to safer world. I support all efforts to diminish the existence of this terror Group which has brought havoc & fear to all people in the world.
RASHID August 3, 2012 @ 10:14:49AM
sosopi pa August 3, 2012 @ 06:53:11AM
it’s good!
MURACHAANA August 3, 2012 @ 05:38:25AM
IT is now clear to us all that this persons of weakened faith are say good-ye by excuting one of themselves. The world has every reason to smile for this, otherwise lets pray hard for them to have a good ending and not a bad one.
Harmaton collins August 3, 2012 @ 05:09:38AM
We thank the world at large for accepting to do the intervention in somalia specificall the Americans have always been their peace is thought out God bless America
ali khalid August 3, 2012 @ 04:50:52AM
thanks to the ugandan was the first to deploy its army their.they are going to remove those cowards.
sety willison August 3, 2012 @ 02:50:54AM
When al-shabaab kills members in that manner who do they think will vote for aspirants during elections since the citizens are being exterminated?
shiks August 3, 2012 @ 01:45:58AM
how i wish the confidence level can go down to a negative so that the militia group can be weakened
mimi August 2, 2012 @ 10:32:04AM
congratulationsssssssssssss to the kenyan intellligencce for driving those bastards out...............the superpower of easter africa...
qorane August 2, 2012 @ 10:00:20AM
Al-Shabaab is a movement sent by God to punish the Somalis after they did away with their government and behaved like animals. I pray to God to protect us from these problem-causing groups who hide under religious names. Their time to disintegrate is nearing.
Grace August 2, 2012 @ 07:21:50AM
Somalia will flourish again and be well governed, that's what we can hope for. Alshabab are actually coming to an end. Evil has never outweighed the good. As long as God is on the thrown.
slovadan August 2, 2012 @ 03:23:04AM
a very thoughtful column
Saka w.Maurice August 1, 2012 @ 12:33:21PM
They have killed many innocent people and now they are turning on each other.In the long run they will all commit suicide.Proves that theybhave no cause which they are fighting for.
Lucas Eleyo August 1, 2012 @ 09:44:18AM
Al- Shabaab must be driven away by the Amisom forces. This group has tortured and killed many people in Somalia. The country has been damaged completely which would compel the Somlia government take time to improve it. The rest of the world is requested to assist in rebuilding Somalia when war goes over. The Kenyan government has greately helped Somalia in the war to up root Al Shabaab in Somalia and we thank Kenya for effort they volunteered to save lives of Somali people. However, Kenyans support by all hands the war in Somalia and the lives of the pepole as Amisom is now nearing closely to Kisimayu to root out Al - Shabaab in the country. Africa should jointly come out in unison to support and remove Al - Shabaab by all means in Somalia. We want the people of Somalia to live in peace and develop their country which has lagged behind for about 24 years now.
Lisa m August 1, 2012 @ 08:32:24AM
I very much like it.
cabdifataah mouse August 1, 2012 @ 08:28:57AM
i think this weakening confidence b/w alshabaab cells is quite good news for any somali descedent on the cosmos. many congratulations to somalis and somalilanders and fare well al shabaab you are on your last legs!!!
Dr Mohamad Farah August 1, 2012 @ 07:17:12AM
It is the first time you learnt or attacked this group by saying something about them and there are many other problems faced by this group from within them or from the people.
raashid ali August 1, 2012 @ 03:35:03AM
I believe if the Transitional Federal Government is right, it will succeed by winning the confidence of the citizens and will get the power to defeat its enemies through the following ways: 1. People to support them 2.Geographical location they are conversant with 3.The belief to die for what they are fighting for.